
One of the first things that I teach when I start a new client is how to properly hip hinge.  Hip hinging is imperative for everything from deadlifts, bent over rows, RDL’s, good mornings, etc…  All too often I see members of the gym performing exercises with a rounded back and “tucked” glutes- injuries just...
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There’s always a lot of talk about what to do to ensure healthy shoulders when training the bench press, and it is relatively common knowledge that the health and mobility of the thoracic spine can have a dramatic impact on health at the shoulder joints. The picture on the left is of me benching at...
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It is often said that variety is the spice of life, and unfortunately for the uneducated masses, this platitude has permeated into the world of exercise and fitness.  One of the largest problems I see in exercise programs today is by far too much variation.  I admit that I am often guilty of this myself. ...
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What I’m about to talk about isn’t ground breaking or new.  In fact, other coaches and trainers have probably covered the topics I’m going to cover in this post already this year.  However, I get questions from guys (and gals) every week at the gym or through email so I thought it warranted to discuss...
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If you’re like me- currently working out in a more commercialized health club- performing things like sled work, true olympic lifts (they have a sign that says “please do not drop the weights” on our platform), medicine ball throws, etc… can be a challenge. What follows are a few basic ideas to hold you over...
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Have you ever had one of those ah-ha moments?  You know, the moment where something hits you and you either consider yourself a genius for realizing something awesome, or consider yourself and idiot for not figuring it out sooner.  Maybe an instant comparable to the one Hillary Clinton had when she figured out why a blue...
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Every program needs direction; and in the majority of instances that direction comes in the form of a goal or a set of goals.  A lot of guys want to bench 300 or ladies might want to lose an inch off of their waist lines.  Having goals like these make programming much easier and a lot...
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I hope everyone is having a great week!  Since it’s beautiful here in New York, I decided it’s a great day to do some sled dragging in the back yard.  Luckily, Annie (my girlfriend) was on a break between classes and we could film this sled drag variation for you. I call it the 1 arm post...
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Anyone that has ever trained with me will tell you that I am pretty good deadlifter, but as a squatter I leave a lot to be desired.  Being well aware of this fact, there have been large periods in time that avoided squatting altogether.  But, last summer into fall I decided that I needed to...
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Chris and I don’t have the luxury of owning our own facility, YET!  That’s in the works.  So, in the mean time I have to train out of the gym at my graduate school, other local facilities, high schools and occasionally in a treaturous mountain pass while battling disgruntled moutain goats (it’s happened twice and...
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